Sunday, November 30, 2008


This year was the first year that Bryan and I did not make the trip to SW Kansas for Thanksgiving. Instead, we hosted dinner at our house on Saturday. We both felt a little weird on Thursday, not having the traditional Thanksgiving meal...we had BLT's...and not spending the day with family and friends. We spent the day cleaning house and preparing for our weekend visitors. Bryan's parents and granddad made the trip up from SW/Central Kansas. Bryan's sister and brother-in-law also came over for dinner. Below is a picture of Braylon and his great-grandfather, Arthur or "Pop". Braylon had a great time entertaining our guests and we were thankful they made the trip.

We also enjoyed, or didn't enjoy in my case, this winter's first snowfall. Here is Braylon all bundled up with his daddy as he experienced his first snow flakes.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


So, since we've moved, we've been doing some minor projects around the house. First, we had to get some paint on the walls! Bryan worked hard one day to get Braylon's room painted and set up. Here is the final result. Braylon has officially moved to his own room going on 2 weeks now. He's adjusting well and so is Mommy! Next, it's on to the living/dining room. Bryan's working on that right now. We'll post updates as the improvements are completed.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Four Months

Today marks Braylon's four month birthday! We had his 4 month doctor's visit this morning, where he weighed in at 15 lbs and measured 26 3/4 inches long. His weight gain has leveled off a bit, but his length continues to rank in the 95th percentile! We've been given the "go ahead" on rice cereal, so we'll start that this week and will move on to veggies in a few more weeks if he is tolerating the transition to cereal well. Below is evidence of our first experience with cereal. It was a little messy and he seemed a bit apprehensive! We'll see how this goes.

I say this every month, but it truly is hard to believe that he's four months old! Every minute of the past four months has been a blessing and I cannot imagine my life without Braylon. He has filled our hearts with so much love and joy, it's difficult to put into words. Last week marked the one year anniversary of the day we found out we were pregnant with Braylon. I remember just how happy and excited we were to begin the journey into parenthood. The journey has been more than I ever imagined it would be.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Chatter Box

Braylon just loves to talk to the kitty on his play gym mat. He also loves to make spit bubbles as evidenced by this video! I've been going a bit crazy with the video, but I want to capture every moment! This gives those of you who don't get to visit us often a chance to see him in action. He's quite the little man. Enjoy!

Monday, November 10, 2008

New Tricks

I've been trying like heck to get video of Braylon rolling over, but he's either too fast or too stubborn. He'll either do it while I'm not watching and when I try to record him doing it, he won't perform! But, I finally captured it! I apologize for the poor quality video, but we have yet to purchase a real video camera, so the following are taken with my digital camera's recording feature. As always, Charlie makes an appearance in both videos. He's never too far away from his little brother!

This next one is of Braylon giggling...what a sweet, sweet sound! I love to make him laugh. He is such a super baby!