Tuesday, February 23, 2010

First Hair Cut

After much debate, we finally decided that it was time for a hair cut. I was hesitant to get it cut as I didn't want to lose his darling curls, yet much to my surprise, he has even more curls now! Once we got some of that weight off, many more curls emerged. Braylon was a champ and sat in the chair by himself and didn't seem to mind the cut at all. We were in and out in 10 minutes and completely tear free!

Here's the final product! You can't really see all the curls, but believe me, they are there especially in the back. If you ask me, he's still just as darling as ever :)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Pool Potty

No, not "potty in the pool" or "pool party"! Potty and pool. Just a few things we've done in the past few weeks.

We've started putting Braylon on the big boy potty and he loves it! He's not made a real potty yet, but there really is no pressure for him to at this point. We are following what his school calls Stage 2 of the "Stages of Potty" for toddlers. During this stage, the tots wear diapers and are sat on the potty each time they are changed. There's no expectation that they will use the potty, rather the idea is to help them start making the association with using the toilet to potty. Braylon will tell us when he has pottied, so it makes perfect sense to start introducing the big boy potty. We'll see how this potty thing goes once baby Macyn arrives!

Although it seems Braylon is getting ready to potty in this picture, we've moved on to the "pool" part of our blog. On Sunday, Braylon and I tried to beat the Winter blues by taking a trip to the steamy indoor pool. As you can tell from the photo below, it was so steamy my lens fogged over.

Although I was not thrilled about getting in to a bathing suit, Braylon was and he had a really great time! We were there for nearly 2 hours, and even then, he didn't want to leave. We'll have to do this again very soon!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Secret is Out

We have settled on a name for our baby girl. Macyn Elizabeth Ramsay is set to arrive anytime within the next few weeks! I am scheduled to see my doctor weekly from here on out and at my visit on Tuesday, I was 1 cm dilated and she could feel Macyn's head. This, of course, means nothing other than she is getting into position. We too are preparing ourselves for our new arrival. The anticipation is bittersweet as I am truly excited to welcome Macyn, yet am sad to give up my time with Braylon. There's no doubt we'll all have to adjust, but I know Braylon will be an exceptional big brother and will adore his new baby sister!

Who's That Baby?

Braylon has recently discovered a new "friend" during bath time. He really enjoys the company and loves chatting with him. Take a peek...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Tummy Time

This is Braylon's new favorite thing to do in the bath tub. He'll just prop himself up and gaze at all of his toys as they float in the water. In a few years, Braylon is going to kill me for posting this pic for all to see :) Gotta love those cute little buns!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

What's That in Your Belly?

Braylon is really infatuated with my belly, so we thought it would be fun to give him his own baby belly :) He walked around with a ball under his shirt for some time. He waddled and had difficulty sitting down too! It was comical :)