Monday, August 22, 2011


Our little Macyn is just as cute as cute can be. Her personality is really beginning to show and she is such a hoot! We just love her to pieces :)


Braylon is really into climbing on and jumping off things these days. Here are a few of his new tricks! Don't miss the video at the end!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Rockin' the Potties

Macyn, just like her brother, is blowing us away with her prowess of the potty. We haven't even officially started potty training, she is only 17 months, but we do put her on the potty every once in a while and she is rocking the potties! She has made a potty and a poop numerous times in the toilet! We are thrilled that our kiddos don't seem to mind the whole potty thing. We will definitely take a break here and there when we can get one :) Oh the things we get excited about these days!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011


This summer, we've seen Braylon take great strides in his water play. At the beginning of the summer, we could barely get him to put his face in the water to blow bubbles. Now, all of a sudden, he's taken to jumping in and he loves it! Next summer, we'll tackle the diving board :) Macy, on the other hand, has no fear and will readily put her head in the water. She's doing just that as I took this video; hence, the coughing sounds you hear in the background.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Patches and Glasses

While trying to beat this dreadful heat, we've had some fun with pirate patches and silly glasses!