Saturday, May 24, 2008

The B.A.R. Countdown Begins

I know what you're thinking..."This girl must really need a drink!" Actually, yes, but more importantly we have decided on a name for our son. His initials will be B.A.R. How appropriate, right? We will reveal his first name once he's born, but we'll let you in on the rest now. No, Uncle Brian, it isn't Brian Abbott Ramsay. Sorry to disappoint, but we've decided on a family name. He will be named after his great grandfather, Arthur Ganson, Bryan's granddad. His name will be B. Arthur Ramsay. His first name came to us not by sifting through the hundreds of baby name books out there, but by Daddy's search of sports rosters. My only concern with this method was, "does this guy have good stats? our son can't share a name with some marginal athlete!"

P.S. If by chance you are one of the few people that we've told, please don't spoil the fun!!

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