Saturday marked Braylon's 3 month birthday. Unbelievable! We have celebrated many milestones since month two of his life. First, we heard our very first giggle from Braylon a few days ago. This was a certifiable belly laugh, not just a smile and a coo, but a real chuckle! Now, we tickle him to death in an attempt to re-experience that wonderful sound! Braylon is able to hold his head up high during tummy time and is even trying to roll over. He'd definitely have it if he could keep his hands out of his mouth long enough to use them to push himself over! He's also sitting up fairly well with some support. He's talking and cooing, sharing his daily adventures. His schedule is becoming more and more predictable with regular feedings and naps. Nighttime is an ever changing event, but we deal with it.

Aunt Amber and Uncle Chad came over to help us celebrate! Bryan and Amber cooked a wonderful meal and we had a good time playing and hanging out. By the end of the night, though, we were pooped!

The next few weeks will bring about more change. We hope to close on our new house on or before November 3rd, thus a big move is in store for us! Also, I anticipate going back to work in November. I'll go back part time at first and then by December, I should be back full time and Braylon will begin day care full time. This will likely be more of an adjustment for me than Braylon, but I'm positive that we'll make the transition just fine. In the meantime, I plan to enjoy every minute I have at home with my little guy.
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