Saturday, October 10, 2009

Baby Ramsay

We had a routine OB appointment yesterday. While Dr. Hougham listened for the baby's heartbeat with a Doppler, she thought she detected two separate tiny heartbeats! Panic-stricken, we requested an ultrasound asap to confirm. We came back an hour and a half later and had an ultrasound which confirmed there is only one little Ramsay growing in my belly! She also took some measurements and determined that my due date is a bit earlier than we initially thought. According to the baby's size, I am 18 weeks along and am due on March 13, 2010. She tried to sneak a peek at the baby's anatomy to determine gender, but he/she would not cooperate. We asked her if she were able to tell, to write the results down and we would look if/when we were ready. I'm not sure that I want to know this time; however, Bryan is in favor of finding out. We'll see! For now, we are just happy to know that our baby is doing well!


The Unprocessed Project said...

Hurray for one healthy baby!! Isn't it funny how the thought of twins used to be "fun" before we tried to take care of just one?

Becky said...

I go to the same office! Who's your doctor?