Wednesday, April 14, 2010

1 Month

Today marks Macyn's 1 month birthday! We had her 1 month appt with Dr. Hougham yesterday. She weighed 11lbs 7oz and measured 22.5 inches long. She is definitely healthy and her stats put her above the 90th percentile. She is becoming more alert and is gaining strength to hold her head up. She is awake for longer stretches throughout the day which means she is eating more too! We get up every 2-3 hours during the night to feed and change diapers. That's just with Macyn, I might add. Braylon wakes a couple of times calling for Momma and either Bryan or I will go in to comfort him back to sleep.

I'd like to say we are settling in to a schedule by now, but to be honest, we are flying by the seat of our pants. We are enjoying our little family and taking things one day at a time, yet appreciating every precious minute, chaos and all!

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