Sunday, September 28, 2008


Braylon has become quite the little tailgater. He's been to three KU tailgates and made his debut at the Abbott's tailgate for the K-State game on Saturday. As you can see, he has plenty of little people to play with. Riley and Tristan are his KU tailgating buddies, while he has little Cooper to hang with at the K-State games.
We were excited to take Braylon to his very first K-State football game. The weather was nice, a bit warm, but overall we had a good day. We hung out with the Abbott clan at their tailgate and Braylon caught a cat nap before we headed in. Luckily, we were in the shade once inside the stadium so we were able to enjoy the entire first half before heading back out to pack up and head home. We listened to the remainder of the game on our way home and were pleased to get a Wildcat victory! Here's a shot of Bryan and Braylon in front of the Abbott's K-State bus.

1 comment:

bholtz3 said...

Marci~HEY!!! When my husband opened up our blog to post tonight it said that we had one visitor and it showed your blog...I was SOOOO excited to see that you had a boy too! I was just thinking about you the other day and wondered if I would see you at all this year. Email me when you get a chance at I would LOVE to hear from you and all about Braylon.

Kellly Holtz