Thursday, September 18, 2008

Two Months

Today marks Braylon's 2 month birthday. It's hard to believe our little guy has gone from an 8 pound 1 oz, 20 inch baby boy who was swamped by his new outfit.... a 12 pound 4 oz, 24 1/4 inch big boy in just over 8 weeks! He's outgrown that outfit now! I have to look back at his newborn pictures just to remember how little he was. It's amazing how fast they grow! We had Braylon's 2 month doctor's appointment on September 16th and he is in the 75th percentile for his weight and the 95th percentile for his length. He was a champ and endured 3 pokes in his little thighs for immunizations. He cried for a bit, but Mommy cried too! He spent some time with his "woobie" the remainder of the day for added comfort.
A lot has happened in the two months since Braylon's birth. He's enjoyed a trip to SW Kansas to visit family. He partied it up with the Abbott's during their wedding celebration. He's attended two KU football tailgates and witnessed his first K-State football defeat. He has "slept through the night" once by giving Mommy a good five hour rest from 8pm to 1am! And, most importantly, he's learned that he will be moving to a new house just in time for Halloween! Bryan and I continue to be amazed by this little guy. We feel blessed to have him and are looking forward to watching Braylon grow and change in the upcoming months.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uh those shots are tough for everybody involved. One down, a few more to go!