Saturday, January 10, 2009

Big Boy

Braylon has been trying to sit up on his own for some time now, but now we think he has it down. He's still a little wobbly especially when he reaches for a new toy so we keep the boppy around him to soften his fall. Never fear, Charlie is always nearby to keep an eye on our boy! He's a bit of a leaner as this photo depicts. A few other updates include the conclusion of his first full-time week at daycare. He has done really well and really enjoys his time there. I too am adjusting well, but still cannot wait to get home and be greeted by this adorable face! I have to tell you, I just love pick-up time from daycare. The enthusiastic greeting I receive is priceless!
Finally, Bryan and I bought a high chair and a big boy bath tub. Braylon loves splashing in his new tub and also enjoys sitting at the table with us at dinner time. Now, he just needs to decide that he's ready to eat big boy food! That battle continues. I'll try to upload some video of him in the tub as well as video of him playing in his jumper. He really gets to bouncing and giggling in that thing! It's fun to watch! Oh, how he's changing...Sigh!!

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