Sunday, January 18, 2009

Six Months

Can it be? I cannot believe it! We are one-half of a year into the most exciting time in our lives! I don't really know what to say. So much has happened in such a short time, but there is one thing that stands out in my mind as I reflect on the past six months and what it has meant to me to become a Mom. I thought I would share a piece of an introduction I made at a recent training where I was the presenter.

So, as it goes with most presenters, it is customary to provide a little background on your experience as it relates to the topic you are presenting on. The focus of our training was social and emotional development of young children. I spoke about my education and work experience. I related professional and educational accomplishments, including recent certifications and licensures. I shared how excited I was to have just completed coursework in play therapy. And then I got to the really important stuff. I shared, with honesty, "the accomplishment I am most proud of...having become a Mom!" I shared how honored I am to be a part of the distinguished group known as parents. I stated that having a child had changed my life and had subsequently changed the way I viewed and carried out my job. I also shared my fears, hopes, and dreams as a parent. None of this was planned, it just came out of my mouth. As I listened to myself trying to impress the audience with my professional accolades, it dawned on me that none of that mattered. What matters and what ultimately makes me better personally and professionally is this wonderful little boy I've been blessed with. I couldn't help but share my joy with everyone in that room. From now on, I'll always include being a Mom as one of my most prized accomplishments.

Okay, now that I've got a huge lump in my throat, let's take a look back at the past six months.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH Marci! I couldn't agree more with you...Being a mommy is something truly special and I never imagined it would be this rewarding. I now have a huge lump in my throat as well :)

Kelly Holtz